Morton Next Door Chef - Unlock Your Inner Chef
Unlock your inner chef...
Consumers view Morton as simply table salt. They are unaware that Morton offers any other salt than just traditional table salt and therefore don’t consider Morton for any of their premium salt needs. (Focus Groups, Brand Tracking study and despite the fact Millennials being coined the most significant food generation: obsessed with where their food comes from, the hottest restaurants, and celebrity chefs – they don’t understand the importance chefs place on cooking with premium salt or give Morton credit as being ‘used by chefs’. (Morton Brand Tracking Study) and although they are interested in learning how to cook, they don’t feel confident they have the tools or know-how. (Mintel Cooking Enthusiasts Report)
But what if knowing how to use different salts, such as Kosher, Coarse, and Fine Sea Salt, could unlock the inner chef in home cooks and give them more confidence?
Create a 3 part-branded content series in Chicago, Nashville, and New
Orleans, where Morton paired a typical millennial with an acclaimed Chef to educate them on the benefits of Morton Kosher, Coarse, and Sea Salt to enhance their cooking skills through a culinary experience that transforms their apartment into a 5-star restaurant for one night.
The result?
- 9.1MM views and 100+MM impressions
- Awareness of Variety of Salts increased: 6% increase in Kosher unaided brand awareness and 2% increase in sea salt aided brand awareness
- Awareness of Product Attributes: 9% uplift in “seasoning meals while cooking” for Kosher, 6% uplift in “salting food precisely” for Fine Sea Salt
- Purchase Intent: 8-11% purchase intent for Sea Salt and Kosher
- 9+% increase in “worth paying more for” (:15s) and 11% uplift in “is high quality” vs 35-44 year olds.
- Brand favorability: 15+% uplift in Kosher Brand Favorability and 10% uplift in Sea Salt favorability
- Expertise: 10% increase in “used by chefs” (:15s)
(Milward Brown Digital Brand Tracking Study)
Credits: Janna Reddig - Strategy Director; Max Arevou - Planner: Jimmy Pardi, Isaac Pagan, Michael Franklin - Creative Leads; Abby Inman - Account Lead; Katherine Fliess - Experiential/Production
Symbiotic Strategies LLC
Santa Monica, CA 90403