The path to effective brand building

Above: Janna Reddig at Ogilvy & Mather

Advertising is going through a reckoning.

Brands have been relying on bot-like impressions for too long, which has negatively impacted brand perception and effectiveness. It's time to liberate media and make it a canvas for creativity.

As a consultant specializing in problem-solving and brand-building, I firmly believe that creativity and clever media planning are two sides of the same coin. Yet, for far too long, brands have focused primarily on sweating creative assets to peak wear out and driving media efficiency through cheap Impressions to maximize ROI.

As David Ogilvy famously said, "We sell or else."

To achieve maximum ROI and marketing effectiveness for clients, we must emphasize creativity and the relationship consumers have with the medium it resides in equally.

Integration does not mean matching luggage.

Brands need ideas that can be fluid, dynamic, and experiential to break through the noise and connect with their audience. Brands need to create content that is made-for-platform and made-for-the-moment.


"The medium is the message."
- Marshall McCluhan

Featured speeches, panels, and podcasts:

ANA Brand Masters 2020

“Adapt or Be Ignored”
Keynote Presentation

IAB Leadership 2020

IAB Leadership Panel
“The Creative Imperative for Streaming Video”

101 Great Minds 2020

101 Great Minds
Interviewed by amp's Global CMO, Uli Reese

The Creative Itch Podcast

The Creative Itch  Interviewed by Parvin 

Symbiotic Strategies LLC
Santa Monica, CA 90403