VetVine: Creating a new brand positioning to protect future demand for a continuing education platform for Vets and animal lovers.

VetVine, a continuing education platform for vets, wanted to increase its reach and profitability through exclusive content and expert advice.

Phase 1: Refresh the brand positioning, Visual Identity, Manifesto, and Website:

Through a process of interviewing brand stakeholders, VetVine peers, breeders, and Vet Techs to better understand what the brand offered and extracting the critical trends In pet care and what pet owners are looking for from the category, we worked to refine the brand's positioning.  Rather than a tagline, we created an idealistic point of view for the company and its network of experts to rally around.  

Maximizing the life of animals and the humans who care for them

Pet Parents were becoming an increasingly vital cohort willing to pay for expert information and care for their fur babies.  Additionally, VetVine’s expanding service offering which includes continuing education, support for compassion wear out, and pet loss support required a broader approach to both consumer segmenation, and portfolio messaging.

The positioning and messaging framework translated across the entire brand experience - from the homepage through to the subsections of the website.

Phase 2: Tackle tricky topics using agile social marketing and our brand’s unique POV:

Symbiotic recieved a phone call from Sheri Berger, CEO of VetVine about an upcoming week in the industry known as “Dog Bite Prevention Week” in hopes the brand could activate.

In a matter of 48 hours, Symbiotic provided a strategic proposal and creative treatment to run the following social posts and videos across the week:

Phase 3: Launch a series of summit-level experiences:

From a business perspective, and increasing competition amidst remote learning boom, it was clear that the margin and return on webinars for straightforward CE education were becoming less profitable.  We needed to create a compelling event-like conference for VetVine to attract sponsors and a broader base of attendees and be more targeted in the subject matter that Vets and pet owners cared most about.

2022 marked the inagural year of VetVine curating summit-level experiences for Vets and Pet Owners themed around the most common and chronic issues for pets.

Symbiotic created the strategic approach, naming, and creative/copy treatment and tonality to promote sponsors and attract attendees to multi-tiered priced summit.

Marketing materials for the OA Summit included social posts and videos across LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, and industry/partner sites, Zoom backgrounds, targeted emails, and a program landing page.

Credits - Symbiotic Strategies LLC designed the foundational brand guidelines for VetVine and all marketing materials and messaging for summit-level experiences.  Janna Reddig - Founder, Strategic Lead and Integrated Marketing Director: Katie Mulligan - Research Assistant; Michael Fazende - Masterbrand Visual Art Director; Forest Shipp - Graphic Designer for OA Summit, Supplemental stock photography and video from Canva, Shutterfly, and Adobe.


Symbiotic Strategies LLC
Santa Monica, CA 90403